Best Credit Repair
In Houston TX
Fast, Legal, Effective
Certified Credit Professionals You Can Trust
Start Improving Your Credit Today
Credit Repair Services in Houston, Tx
Our personal credit repair services and our certified credit specialists can improve and restore an individual's credit report after it has been impacted by life's financial crisis and disadvantages. Some situations like divorce, personal or family illness, simple overspending, foreclosure, family casualty, unemployment, military leave or identity theft can cause credit report damages, be proactive to get your good credit back!
If you live in Houston, Tx, the best way to improve your credit is through a credit repair process. Credit Recovery Group Inc. can help if you have inaccurate, outdated, erroneous, and unverifiable records on your credit report.Our Credit Repair Plans
Get started now! Money back guarantee if service cannot be done.
Set up Fee:
The setup fee for the standard credit repair services will cover the cost for the three credit bureaus credit report complete analysis, and file setup. Client will provide access to their credit report to Credit Recovery Group. We will set up your files, input all account information and issue you a username and password for your credit restoration portal.
Monthly Payments:
The monthly fee is for the credit repair services performed the previous month. You will be charged monthly based upon your enrollment date after the services are performed, and this fee will be charged monthly up to six (6) months or until a written Notice of Cancellation is submitted to our processing center as required by law.
Credit Repair Programs Include:
- Unlimited disputes with the 3 major Credit Bureaus
- Debt validation with creditor and collection companies
- Secure online tracking 24/7
- Personalized credit consulting
- Free Settlement Letter
- Budget Planning Tools
Disclaimer: When negative information in your credit report is accurate only the passage of time can assure it is removed. According to the Federal Trade Commission a credit reporting company can report most accurate negative information for seven years and bankruptcy information for ten years.
Frequently asked Questions about Credit Repair
ABSOLUTELY! Since over 80% of credit reports contain inaccurate information, we interpret the consumer rights according to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, and State Finance Codes.
The average time for credit repair is four to six months or as needed
Credit Recovery Group complies with the Federal Trade Commission, State, and Local government regulations and the Credit Repair Organization Act, in that we cannot, by law, guarantee a specific outcome or result. However, we do promise to legally do everything possible on your behalf to restore your good credit