Our Guarantee

CRG agrees to improve the “Client’s” credit profile during the period of up to one year. The“Client” understands that the results obtained by CRG on behalf of the “Client” are dependent on numerous factors, including but not limited to the “Client’s” ability to repay debts and loans, cooperation of the “Client’s” creditors, and credit bureaus ability to verify information provided to them by CRG on behalf of the “Client”.

Implied or expressed guarantees are not applicable; CRG will honor this promise only: While CRG cannot guarantee a full restoration of your credit; we state that we promise to legally do everything possible on your behalf to request the correction to restore your good credit. If we fail to do so, we will refund your money for the “Service” (excluding initial credit report Analysis/Audit fees).

If documentation requested from you, by CRG for the credit report improvement, is not forwarded to our office or addition of new negative items appear subsequent to the date of this Agreement, the refund policy will be voided. Client agrees to pay bills on time; not paying bills on time will result in new negative items also voiding the refund policy. Failure to do so will result in the voiding of the refund policy. No refunds are issued prior to the completion of the process upon which the completion date is one year (12 months) from signature of this Service Agreement.